About us


[ rad-i-kuhl ] noun

Botany. : the primary root. a rudimentary root.

Anatomy. : a small rootlike part or structure, as the beginning of a nerve or vein.

Learn our Story.

Radicle Root Collective (RRC) was founded by Jo Brownson and Taquelia Washington. Jo and Taquelia are long time friends who have each had their own separate journey in creating sole proprietorships that have focused on racial justice and healing inside of organizational change processes. Many years ago, they began to dream together about what it would be like to merge their work and passions together and introduce them to the world. This dream came to fruition in 2019 as Tangled Roots and EmpowerMe! Services began collaborating on their first projects together. In 2020, Jo and Taquelia began to take active steps toward transforming their collaboration into an entity of its own. From there, Radicle Root Collective was born. Radicle Root Collective is now comprised of an amazing team of facilitators, coaches, and data experts that each bring their unique magic together to support organizational healing and transformation. Together the collective strives to embody RRC’s values and principles of practice in all of their collective work.

RRC Values



We strive to create alignment between our words, intentions, and actions.



We work together as a community and center the most marginalized in our larger community in all that we do.



We use our framework as a guide and adapt it to best fit the unique needs of the organizations we serve.


mutual accountability.

Our accountability is rooted in a collective sense of interdependence.



The path toward racial equity can come with great challenges and we strive to face these challenges with courage


We ground into the idea that we will never know “it all” and instead lead with a sense of humility around what we know and have yet to learn. We invite our partners to bring their wisdom to the table so that we can collectively work together.


We resist the notion of scarcity and instead we practice expansiveness, creativity and mutuality.